The Midnight Man- Trailer 2018
The ensuing violent mayhem â€" which also involves Alex's friend Kelly (Emily Haine), who shows up at just the wrong time â€" proves forgettable, save for the sight of the Midnight Man wearing a large bunny head (don't ask). Veterans Englund and Shaye admirably give it their all, but their best efforts are not enough to elevate the subpar material directed in mechanical fashion by Zariwny. When Anna's friend Dr. Goodberry (Englund) shows up to make a house call, he immediately senses the danger. "This is no game for kids or bored teenagers," he chides, but it's too late. The Midnight Man (Kyle Strauts) begins showing up, looking like a costume you'd pick up in a Halloween store and sounding like a lifetime heavy smoker. The doctor warns the kids that the monster is also something of a cheater. "The Midnight Man doesn't like to lose," he warns.
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